Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Saturday 24 March 2018

Santa Fe opening -- Full Disclosure

Three of my drawings were in the "Full Disclosure" drawing exhibition at the Argos Studio/Gallery in Santa Fe.  We had a great opening Friday night, March 23, 2018.

The catalog of the exhibition is available online at Amazon.

Selected drawings are posted on the Argos website.

My original drawings were scanned, and the contrast was enhanced digitally.  The digital prints were exhibited next to every one else's drawings, approximately the original size, 9 x 12 inches.

My drawings

Larger view of my drawings,
below those of Greta Young

John and George's drawings

The opening was well attended

I exhibited the drawings below:

I Wanna Go Home to the Armadillo Gangnam Style

Zeus is Back

I also participated in the Argos drawing exhibition the previous year, 2017 - Go Figure.

Also, I am self-publishing a catalog of just my own drawings as well.


Also, the previous night (March 22nd, 2018), I attended an opening in El Paso -- of the Horned Toad Print Exchange II -- at "La Galeria de la Mision de Senecu ."  One of my prints were part of this exhibition.

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