Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Thursday 12 September 2024

Oaxaca Print Reception -- and Henry Morales' print workshop

On Saturday, September 7th, 2024 there were two big PRINT happenings:


Pavel Acevedo is coming at the end of month to give five printmaking workshops as part of the Oaxaca exhibit at the Maxwell Museum -- September 30 to October 5th, 2024.

Then Pavel and Daniel Gonzalez will return to New Mexico quickly for their Southwest Print Tour -- Sendero Grafico -- October 11th to 15th, 2024.  They will be selling prints at the Southwest Print Fiesta in Silver City, New Mexico on October 12th:

Interview with Pavel Acevedo two years ago:

  • Also later at night the Swat Team helicopter hoovered over my house
  • My laptop was unable to boot since Thursday night...and I had it fixed on Tuesday

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