Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Saturday 22 June 2024

June 22, 2024

We drew at the Edith Bunker in Albuquerque, with Monty Singer and Brian Gonzales:

"AI Upscaled" twice


I uploaded my drawing to a Microsoft image labeling program -- Florence 2 Large -- and tried one of their demos.  It actually did a pretty good job labeling my drawing:

{'<MORE_DETAILED_CAPTION>': 'The image is a black and white sketch of a person lying on a bed. The person appears to be in a relaxed position, with their head resting on a pillow and their arms stretched out to the sides. They are lying on their back with their legs crossed and their head tilted back. The bed is covered with a blanket and there is a pillow on the left side of the bed.\n\nThe sketch is done in a loose, sketchy style, with loose lines and curves that create a sense of movement and depth. The background is a mix of abstract shapes and lines, with some areas appearing to be more densely packed together. The overall mood of the image is peaceful and serene.'}

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