Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Tuesday 7 May 2024

May 7, 2024

We drew at Sir Henry Morales' studio in Albuquerque:


I uploaded the first drawing in this blog post, and asked Midjourney to "describe" it, and then generate images based on that description (I experimented with "describe" in March):

The last of four generations
from the 4th Midjourney prompt


I passed out the laser cut "hat" linoleum tiles to those at Henry's drawing group -- which I had described on the BUCKET EXHIBITIONS blog.

I had laser cut a bunch the night before at Quelab:

Unlike last time, the laser cutter did not flame out,
because the air assist was working

I bumped up the laser cutting to 7 passes -- at 100% power, speed 20 -- and that cut all the way through, mostly.

The LightBurn settings

I also cut a 7 inch square around the "hat" shape.  That gave me two "remainder" pieces on the outside, which could also be carved, and inked up in a different color -- to make a puzzle print of a single "hat" carving -- which would fit on 8x8 inch paper:

Laser cutting the "hat" and the square,
gave me three puzzle pieces altogether,
that can be inked up and printed together

The laser cut "hat" shapes were 7 inches at the widest, and all tiled together tightly:

Tiling the "hat" shapes

The previous Sunday (May 5th) I also passed out some "hat" shaped linoleums to printmakers in Santa Fe:

Julie Sola, of Las Vegas, New Mexico,
accepted the challenge

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