Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Monday 29 April 2024

April 29, 2024

We drew at Sir Henry Morales' studio in Albuquerque:


I used "Enhancer" in Krea to alter the above drawing with AI:

 Usually the Krea Enhancer does a better job:

Input and output
with the Krea Enhancer

Output with the Krea Enhancer

Output with the Krea Enhancer


After we talked about making collaborative "Exquisite Prints," the model suggested that we make Tessellation Prints, like MC Escher.

That gave me the idea to make "Exquisite Tessellation Prints" using the newly discovered non-repeating single Einstein Shape -- aka "the hat" (discovered by David Smith in 2022) -- would be ideal for a collaborative print project.

I could laser cut a bunch of linoleum pieces in the shape of the "hat" -- six inches wide -- and hand them out to artists to carve.  Then they could be printed separately, or pieced together.

Since this shape tiles infinitely without making a repeating pattern, we could make all kinds of prints of the combinations.  And anyone could carve and jump in, at any time.

So we could even make our own non-repeating monotile shapes, and then cut them out on the laser cutter -- like this one below, for instance:
DOWNLOAD:  Alternative_monotile.SVG (1.39 KB)

3D Printed aperiodic monotiles:

The animation below shows the many possibilities with this family of non-repeating monotiles:

Ironically Veritasium made a YouTube video about tessellation the year before, asserting that Robert Penrose brought the number down to TWO shapes, for non-periodic tiling  -- but the next year David Smith brought the down down to ONE SINGLE shape.

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