Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Tuesday 23 April 2024

April 23, 2024

We drew at Sir Henry Morales' studio in Albuquerque:

This drawing is made in the exact proportion
of the linoleum for the Exquisite Print project --
12" x 6"


We are going to use the drawings of this session to make EXQUISITE PRINTS!

After the success of the BIG INK collaboration, the artists in Henry Morales' studio decided to engage in another print collaboration -- the EXQUISITE PRINTS.

The idea is taken from the Surrealist game "Exquisite Corpse."

We are all going to carve a 6" x 12" piece of linoleum, with an image from the same long model session, and then cut it up in three pieces.  Later we will reassemble the three pieces -- but from linoleums of different artists.

The 6" x 12" linoleum

Virgil had cut down
 a 12" x 18" piece of linoleum from Takach Press
into three pieces, and handed it out

The participants are Henry Morales, Ellie Weadock, Virgil Velasco, Casandra Encinias and Karl Whitaker:


Ellie's drawing from the live model session

The next day Ellie transferred her drawing 
to linoleum





UPDATE (April 29th):

UPDATE (May 3, 2024):  Virgil's progress:


Julianna Kirwin also drew with us,
but is not participating in the Exquisite Print projects


We had done small collaborative prints last year, after cutting 6"x6" linoleum squares into two puzzle pieces, and distributing them to Henry Morales, Virgil Velasco, Cody Kamrowski of Albuquerque, and Manuel Guerra of El Paso:

I also made an Exquisite Corpse image during the pandemic lockdown in 2022, with three AI variations based on one of my drawings.  I used "style transfer" in Deep Dream Generator to transform one of my drawings into variations by Egon Schiele, Salvador Dali, and Robert Williams.  Then I used Photoshop Elements to cut those AI variations into three pieces, and then recombine them into a single figure:

I could use the laser cutter to engrave linoleum to make an Exquisite Print.  I did  not do that (yet) with my AI Exquisite Print, but I could:

A start 
for making an AI Exquisite Print

We could also make Exquisite Corpse drawings, and then massage them digitally to laser engrave on Linoleum.


Ellie cut down all four pressings of the BIG INK print and put them in 24" x 36" tubes, and then delivered them to all the BIG INK collaborators:

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