Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Wednesday 20 March 2024

March 19, 2024

We drew at Sir Henry Morales' studio in Albuquerque:


It's less than a month before BIG INK comes to town, so Virgil, Henry and Ellie compared boards again:

Henry Morales' horse

Ellie Weadock's block

Ellie's and Virgil's
continuation where the blocks touch

Virgil Velasco's block


Virgil's block was almost finished, so Henry proofed it during the drawing session:

The little roller didn't work well

Henry switched to the big brayer,
while Ellie and Virgil looked on

Laying down paper


The Reveal!

The proof

Cleaning the block with damp rags

Virgil Velasco, Ellie Weadock,
Henry Morales, Karl Whitaker

Meanwhile, the NEXO ENTRE RAICES print exhibition opens at the El Paso Museum of Art on Friday, March 22, 2024:

I hope to be at the panel discussion on Saturday, March 23rd, from 12- 1 PM, with the following printmakers:

Juan de Dios Mora -- Spanish interview
Francisco Delgado -- Spanish interview
Gabriel Avalos -- Spanish interview
Gabriela Morac -- Spanish interview
Nabil Gonzalez
Marco Sánchez -- English interview, Spanish interview

This is the same show that was previously at the National Hispanic Cultural Center in Albuquerque.

Marcos Sanchez organized this print exhibition, of both Mexican and Mexican-American artists, many of whom I met during our Ambos Lados trip to Mexico in 2019:

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