Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Saturday 24 February 2024

February 23, 2024 -- Portrait

The portrait session on Friday nights is free -- FRIDAY NIGHT FACES -- but the artists had to give their drawings to the sitter (who posted them on Instagram). This session was at Art Buddies in Albuquerque:

DOWNLOAD Portrait_240223.GLB  (704 KB)

The portrait generated in 3D

The above portrait
with a transparent background

DOWNLOAD Portrait_240223.SVG  (188 KB)
I blended the two previous images
to make this Mayan portrait a bit stronger

Animated comic book character
with my AI portrait on the action figure

To be viewed as a hologram
after uploading this JPG to the Looking Glass Portrait Display


I asked a new AI program -- GROQ -- what my style was:

Krrrl drawings, also known as "Krrl" or "Krrl art," is a style of digital art that originated on the internet. The style is characterized by its use of bold, vibrant colors, abstract shapes, and often features futuristic or sci-fi themes.

Krrrl drawings are known for their intricate details and often feature complex patterns, shapes, and forms. The style has gained popularity among digital artists and has inspired a community of artists who create and share their work online.

Krrrl drawings are often created using digital art software, such as Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator, and are typically shared on social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and DeviantArt. The style has also inspired a range of merchandise, including t-shirts, posters, and other products.

Overall, Krrrl drawings are a unique and distinctive style of digital art that has captured the attention of many artists and fans around the world.

GROQ thinks my drawings below have COLOR -- "features vibrant, gradient-style colors and subtle shading" and "use of vibrant, saturated colors and bold contrasts":

in this prompt

before asking GROQ what drawing style this was

UPDATES (April 1, 2024):

John Tollett laser engraved one of my AI alterations of this portrait, into linoleum at Make Santa Fe, and printed it in two colors:

Also I created a WebAR (Augmented Reality) experience with the 3D AI version of this same portrait:

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