Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Saturday 17 February 2024

February 17, 2024

We drew at the Edith Bunker in Albuquerque, with Monty Singer and Brian Gonzales:

The Edith Bunker Studio

REMARQUE Exhibition

Jeanette Cook did a great job with Nancy Magnusson and Kathe Noe with their exhibition at Remarque Print Workshop -- ONE HUNDRED FIFTY:


The new Stable Cascade AI Art program makes good logos:

prompt: "logo for "quelab" hackerspace
 with electrons orbiting it"

  • I've been unable to pay Midjourney since February 10th, as again they are not accepting my prepaid American Express gift card, even though there is money on the card (I can still get on the Midjourney Alpha website however).

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