Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Wednesday 14 February 2024

February 13, 2024

We drew at Sir Henry Morales' studio in Albuquerque:

Ben wanted to use AI to put clothes on his nude drawings.  There has to be an AI ART programs that will let one upload a drawing, and then use AI to just alter specific areas of that image -- but I haven't found one yet (maybe Runway ML "inpainting" will let you do that with a video).

So I tried that with tepid success. I did not get any satisfaction with Leonardo.AIAlso note that DALL-E 2 now sends one to ChatGPT3 when you log in, so that you cannot generate images (or apparently not access your old images) on their website anymore.

Deep Dream Generator gave me better results, but again I had to first alter my drawing with AI, before I could use AI paint out and edit specific parts of the drawing:

I used the AI Editor to put a bikini on my drawing
in the *second* AI phase

I asked ChatGPT3 if it were possible, to selectively alter parts of an image with AI:

  • However I have not tried asking GPT3 or GPT4 to directly alter a selective part of an image


They made more progress on the BIG INK print.  Ellie brought her block and wedged it next to Henry's, while Virgil sent a photo since he didn't come to the drawing session:

Ellie added Terror Bird footprints
to her block (left),
next to Henry's block (right)

Virgil started carving 
and sent us this photo of his block

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