Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Thursday 4 January 2024

January 3, 2024

We drew at Fusion in Albuquerque:



BIG INK is coming to FUSION in Albuquerque.  We signed up to make a big print with them on April 13th and 14th, 2023:

Henry, Ellie and Virgil are going to collaborate to make the big print.  The idea is to cut down a big piece of MDF board (from 2x3 feet, to 40 inches by 8 feet) into three separate pieces, carve them individually, and then ink and piece them together to make one big EXQUISTE PRINT.

They've made collaborative prints before:

I mean, we have to answer all the big prints down in El Paso somehow, no, from their PRINT PACHANGA last July:

We've done some big steamroller prints before, back in September 2020:

Rather Henry Morales and Mike Kimball did some big steamroller prints in Albuquerque, in September 2020:

I would like to do a parallel project -- by CNCing an image (probably in SVG format) into a big piece of MDF at Quelab.  Then we can cut more details by hand with smaller knives, and even print it by hand with the Estampadores Manuales:

We could even try CNCing an AI image

I am sure that we can print big with hand devices -- Estampadores Manuales -- that we ordered from ARTEINA of Barcelona:

End of North Fourth

We took down 88 prints from our exhibition at the North Fourth Art Center today, January 3rd:

We hauled away 8 buckets of frames

We put all the prints into two small 8x8 inch scrap books, which make them a lot easier to store and view:

When we took the prints out of the frames we noticed some residue on the glass -- from the prints made with AKUA inks:

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