Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Monday 11 December 2023

Mootion to MagicAnimate -- image to video Backflip

I used Mootion and MagicAnimate for free, to make drawing 49 from my book do a backflip:

My drawing 49 animated by AI
doing a backflip

I learned about this from Matt Wolfe in his YouTube video: An EXPLOSION of AI Video is Happening Right Now:

1)  I entered -- /motion prompt:"back flip" character:"bot" inplace:"false" -- in Mootion, and generated two versions in Discord:

Mootion generated two versions
of "backflip" in Discord

This gave me one video file of two versions of "backflip." I then asked Mootion to give me a "rock star" doing a back flip with the second version:

Rock star doing a back flip
generated in Mootion

Mootion also gave me two FBX files, and I chose to use the second version to animate my drawing:
2)  I downloaded the video and cropped out only the second version in EzGif -- to make an MP4 file of only one motion animation

3)  I uploaded both the cropped second video MP4 file, and the drawing 49 from my book, to MagicAnimate in Hugging Face:

MagicAnimate created an MP4 video file, after maybe a half hour wait:

The result and video file in MagicAnimate
ready for download

Using just Mootion

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