Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Thursday 23 November 2023

LCM -- AI correcting my drawing in REAL TIME!


Despair next to the Terry Allen sculpture
in downtown LA (~2015)

Way back in 2017, as I noted in my book, I can't draw and am too old to learn

"Nevertheless, I still can't draw, and am now too old to learn. So from here on, my goal will be to make the model look like one of my drawings." 

--from my book "Finish My Drawings


So naturally the solution was to shift the burden onto the model -- and make the model look like one of my bad drawings.  I think Alexa Meade has the right idea.  Brilliant!:

I like how Carmen Bado added lines to her body by combing Vaseline.  Brilliant!:


"It wasn't so long ago when I wanted the models to look like my drawings, since I figured that I was too old to improve my art skills. Now I can lean on AI to improve my drawings!"

However we now have FAST AI that will correct your drawings in REAL TIME!  That technology is called LCM (Latent Consistency Models) and seems to have only surfaced recently.

So I tried it out -- using the Google Collab: lcm_sdhk_controlnet_scribble_draw_colab

 I started with a text prompt: "drawing of a sitting woman" --  and uploaded one of my drawings into the middle section -- and then drew in the left box.  

Then in real time, AI would generate an image in the right box, as I was drawing on the tablet:

AI was correcting my bad drawing (left)
in real time,
generating finished images in the right box


Below are a few examples of the drawings that the LCM generated in real time:

I had used this Collab program previously, but just on my laptop, to try and improve a portrait I drew on November 17th:
The LCM program
worked on my laptop


I bought a new Samsung Galaxy S9+ tablet (with 12 GB of RAM) -- with the aim of drawing the live model on it, anticipating that AI will correct my figure drawing in real time.

Ultimately I used both my laptop and my new tablet for the trial with the Collab LCM scribble program.

 I ran the Collab on my laptop -- and it generated a Gradio URL that would work in the Internet browser on any computer on my network -- including on my tablet -- for 72 hours.  That set-up is what is pictured below:

The Collab was running from my laptop --
but still showed up on my tablet
through it's Chrome browser

The experiment worked, but I didn't have much space to draw in.  Moreover, this program generated a lot of anime figures.  I would want an AI program that would "correct" my drawing in real time -- in my drawing style.  Somehow there must be a way to create a model from my drawings (say a LORA) and get it to work in an LCM program.


This is not entirely unlike what Scott Eaton was doing with AI drawing (though not in real time):


Krea.AI says it will actually do what I am asking -- correct a drawing in real time.  

However Krea.AI just came out, so I can only get on the waiting list.

One can check out other LCM programs on Hugging Space:



It's sorta poetic that I finally get a tablet, and maybe a "correcting" LCM program, just as Sam Altman achieved AGI.

Maybe I should be "drawing" with a custom GPT, instead of on a tablet.  I could upload the drawings from my book and ask GPT to generate more figure drawings in my drawing style.  Then I could ask the custom GPT to draw perpendicular "normals" through the figure, to bring out the 3rd dimension:

Then I might take the next step, and ask GPT to spin the shapes that are pierced by the "normals":

If I dialogue enough with GPT, by articulating the criteria I use to make a figure drawing, I might be able to train the AI to make FAKE Krrrl drawings that are more Krrrl than I can produce by hand.  Perhaps the next phase of AI -- "Search" -- might deliver this.

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