Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Thursday 9 November 2023

A Great Day in Santa Fe

I took the Rail Runner to Santa Fe and had a great day in the City Different on November 8, 2023:

Ricardo and Harriett Romo
Vicente Telles

I was pleasantly surprised to fine Vicente Telles exhibiting at Hecho Gallery, and further surprised to find Dr Ricardo and Harriett Romo with him:

Vicente Telles (left)
with Hariett and Dr Ricardo Romo (right)
at Hecho Gallery

Vicente Telles had organized four exhibitions, at the same time, in Albuquerque during August 2023 -- "Son de Allá y Son de Acá."

Dr Ricardo Romo and his wife Harriett are print collectors, and have an impressive traveling exhibition -- Estampas de la Raza: Contemporary Prints from the Romo Collection -- which we saw at the Los Angeles Community College in 2015:

"Estampas de la Raza" was the catalyst for our Desert Triangle Print Carpeta (currently showing at the University of Arizona Art Museum).  We were inspired to commission and show big prints by the example of Ricardo and Harriett Romo and their print collection.

Dr Ricardo Romo's writings:

Possible Vladem Museum
 Print Workshop(s)

I also talked to Chris Nail, Head of Education, at the New Mexico Museum of Art, about having some relief printmaking workshops in the classroom of the new New Mexico Vladem Museum of Contemporary Art.

Chris Nail
at the New Mexico Museum of Art

Our Pink Print Bucket
in front of the Vladem Museum

The classroom was locked up at the Vladem Museum, however I took some pictures through the windows:

Our Pink Print Bucket at the Vladem
in front of the entrance to the classroom
(polka dots on the classroom door)

Inside the classroom
at the Vladem

Inside the classroom
at the Vladem


I am proposing to have linocut print workshops in the classroom at the Vladem art museum. We would bring the Tortilla Press, 6x6 linoleum squares, paper and ink. All of these supplies fit in plastic boxes that we carry to and take away from the classroom, as we've developed a "portable workshop."

Ideally Julie Sola would run the printmaking workshops.  She has a huge letterpress studio in Las Vegas, New Mexico -- Fat Crow Press -- and a couple of decades experience of making prints for Hatch Show Print in Nashville, Tennessee:

Both Albuquerque and Las Vegas, New Mexico are an hour's drive from Santa Fe (and Taos is an hour and a half). Thus a workshop at the Vladem would be the perfect location to bring in artists from around the WHOLE STATE to meet and work together.

Also we have had a great response from Santa Fe whenever we make prints with Hecho A Mano and Hecho Gallery, always finding a lot of enthusiasm in the City Different:

Previously we have had a few printmaking workshops in Albuquerque that were a success:

Note that both Tamarind Institute and Takach Press are located in Albuquerque.  I can conveniently get printmaking supplies from Takach Press for the workshop. It seems that New Mexico and the Southwest is just primed to have a bigger printmaking presence.

Again, I think an afternoon printmaking workshop is a great way to interact, and share techniques and content with other artists from all over the state.  6x6 inch linocut printmaking (on 8x8 inch paper) is cheap and simple enough so that anyone can participate.  However this proposal is more of a workshop than a class, so while beginners would be welcome, they also might want to take a printmaking class at Santa Fe Community College to get more involved.

Our workshops have come from the desire to show prints, not just in New Mexico, but in our neighboring states of Texas and Arizona, and also in Mexico.  8x8 inch prints (from 6x6 inch linocuts) travel nicely in the mail to places all over the globe (we have even gotten prints from Australia):

It's too expensive to exhibit sculpture and painting out of state, or across the oceans.  However prints are easy to ship and show, even across borders; and doing so can even be within the budget of an ambitious individual.  Thus prints are the more accessible medium to have an artistic dialogue worldwide.

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