Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Saturday 18 November 2023

3D AI organic figures -- and 3D clay printmaking at UNM

Imagine generating sculptures with AI, and 3D printing them in clay (or bronze).


I want to get a 3D sculpture of this organic 2D image below, generated in Leonardo.AI as a Bernini sculpture in my drawing style:

For fun, I animated that Krrrl/Bernini sculpture in AI by uploading it to PIKA LABS:

I animated my AI generated sculpture image,
with another AI program

Then I uploaded that 2D Krrrl/Bernini image to CSM, to generate a 3D object in a GLB format:

CSM using AI
to generate a 3D object from my 2D image

DOWNLOAD: "KrrrlBernini.GLB"  (3.35 MB)


DOWNLOAD: "ropesculpture.GLB"  (3.81 MB)

Could my figures be 3D printed in clay?

at UNM

On November 17th, I went to the closing for a 3D Clay Printing exhibition in the architecture building at UNM (University of New Mexico) -- EXPERIMENTAL CLAY:

This work was from the EXPERIMENTAL CLAY RESIDENCY 2022 by the Hand and Machine Lab at UNM (directed by Leah Buechley).

3D printing with regular clay

Almost at completion

Resident Monica Silva Lovato announced the closing on her Instagram.

The WeaveSlicer is a custom software that prints stronger ceramics, by compensating with thicker walls for the overhangs.

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