Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Tuesday 3 October 2023

Deforum AI Video

I was experimenting with DEFORUM to make an AI video -- based on the drawings from my last blog post:

The first part of the video
as an animated GIF

This is how the critics reacted to this AI video:

The critic and her real inner reaction
to my AI video

I made this AI video on my laptop from Little Bear coffee house in Albuquerque, while remotely (with AnyDesk) using the beefy GPU computer at Quelab.  It took about a half hour.

Note that I used three AI models to make this video, after blending them in CheckPoint Merger  in Stability Matrix:


The key was figuring out how to "CODE," or rather inject my drawings into the Deforum code.  

In the first interface that I altered -- KEYFRAMES -- I injected five of my drawings from my last blog post into the code of Deforum.  Note the drawings, the interface, and the code that follows:

Screen grab in Deforum
of the "KEYFRAMES" interface
    • Max Frames set to "1000"
  • NOTE: The "code" below is so unwieldy because the image URLs are huge:

    "0": "https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjP8OhfvgTIJTmWv3YHHLaibNvkjdibptoyCQ4a6qe2JHage6NWzckVfcKsvhZeIZjvvdbj9HI-dZY9vzQZY_6PHMAMQA6DJnzXlClIZHtWBdhv3DDtEhnniaRQo4K6uiJoAW_UKKuhl-Txt64nXC7IM3jDJ6xwLJA4uQboe8JZg_tbbcRjORF_i719NrY/s1000/231002__H.jpg",

    "max_f/4-5": "https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiL61htEX1OVePf0CAlkMl9RHuVyOl6rP1-UonnBCJtp0AawNJ3yte7iij8HXjh_OV2QbGRNxE675mqymVNWPWehmm2Q5Qg4mB-8z8Yb8tCRBzWNSxU7deYFj3lDrdJBVWGWj4bTf_1PImnDlweWcX_mIs-0R5nFGavEoAuuVgnXxUiEuguBzRl3zYFGRI/s1000/231002__A.jpg",

    "max_f/2-10": "https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjGelSLLK6-VAz4F6tYzrp1eArIVb-1VsT8Gc3zCMNfje2okWEdUb7uNwgRNnhYWE57b-LYKK-1TLzFYpwQzgwHIHN1z7aLAgcDZJzQUE0bypP-nzJiV5PcuiQeEtl1zxYiLgMiaiExL178g7cXkBrVfMYTLt9hr9nb_-loTp2viQEi7FmRMrTMqhCWWug/s1000/231002__B.jpg",

    "3*max_f/4-15": "https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi0ZCymN1qpJNyYlRQGY1ZHWLgOZIQ6uswfiDz3ItXd9a4f4vp0ez2-PsUbWsA44-JZ_5Rsli9fASrJc4yaCzvW5_0NmHeeKWieR4uU84j-Juuv3B5ExyMjIcSiXuCuOjfNQw_giocVJ1Z5YJ-3nE6nBhzRgljfVivJHyWRTpuV5xevLgeNXpOGybc9YeA/s1000/231002__D.jpg",

    "max_f-20": "https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgQAIueLtBKHI6xRY2HJDa8W6d0AIWVZyeDTc3Nt13k-XOnT_2HVp_KFZ1VRMFKODagzK5i8-oGosUk1xgnNOZMIx7YyjI535g9qvKeQjW9njfn2oqtKhmOzenSFbI3bTMJwC745V9ZLlpetoWehLyg-j3C_nXHGuSDtv3uWcXk9UCWBIW7M0VBWZ0r4XA/s1000/231002__N.jpg"

In the second interface that I altered -- PROMPTS -- I referred to the styles of other artists.  Note the interface and the code that follows:

Screen grab in Deforum
of the "PROMPTS" interface

    "0": "woman lying on the floor in the style of Moebius",
    "30": "woman sitting on the floor with her knee up in the style of Hans Bellmer",
    "60": "woman sitting in a chair in the style of Mucha",
    "90": "woman sitting on the floor in the style of Egon Schiele"


Adam made a better Deforum video, using the same program and the same computer at Quelab:

  • Can I upload a video and alter it with AI in Deforum
  • Can I used ChatGPT3 to go to my blog, reference my drawings, and make a video from that?

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