Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Sunday 17 September 2023

Friends' Exhibitions, AI and other catch-up thoughts

Three of our printmaker crew had exhibitions in September.  Plus I have some new thoughts on AI Art and other brain clutter that I want to post:



Cody Kamrowski was featured in the North Valley Studio Tour in Albuquerque, September 16th and 17th, 2023, in the studio of David Welch with Cynthia Wister:

Cody Kamrowski next to his self-portrait


Julianna Kirwin was showing her lithograph that she made at Tamarind Institute at the South Broadway Cultural Center in Albuquerque, opening on September 14, 2023:

Julianna Kirwin next to her lithograph,
with curator Augustine Romero

Lithographs by

The exhibition was of the Tamarind lithograph workshop by visiting artist Luis Fitch, currently living in Minneapolis:


Mark Woody was showing two of his works at the Thirsty Eye Brewing Company, next to Exhibit 208 in Albuquerque:



I am looking for a tablet device that I can hold in my lap while drawing the model.  In fantasylandia I would like AI to correct my bad figure drawing in real time.

Someone is recommending a Microsoft Surface, I'm leaning towards a Lenovo Yoga, and now I'm reading about drawing on a Chromebook.

***UPDATE:  I downloaded Spacedesk and it worked really well using my old Android tablet and Lenovo Legion gaming laptop.


Adam at Quelab is generating the best AI videos that I have seen so far:

(not working today)

AI we do not have access yet:

-camera zoom in
-camera zoom out

-camera up
-camera down
-camera left
-camera right

-camera rotate cw
-camera rotate ccw
-camera rotate acw

The degree of camera motion can be fine-tuned using the -motion XX parameter, with options ranging from 1 to 4.

RANT:  Windows Update ELIMINATED the Windows Video Editor program, just as I was trying to make a big slideshow.  I had to reinstall the program -- Microsoft Photos Legacy -- which does not come up on a search on the Microsoft App store.  Why do Updates cripple, rather than enhance, the program?

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