Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Wednesday 16 August 2023

August 15, 2023

We drew at Sir Henry Morales' studio in Albuquerque:

 Automatic 1111 prompt: 
drawing of a nude woman
lying down with her back to us

 Automatic 1111 prompt: 
drawing of a nude woman lying down in the style of Mucha

 Automatic 1111 prompt: 
drawing of a nude woman lying down in the style of Mucha



I laser engraved a drawing from August 7, 2023 at Quelab as I need an image to print for the Southwest Print Fiesta 2023 Print Exchange:

Laser engraving at Quelab

Using the regular settings -- 150 speed, 80 min and max power -- was enough to engrave the figure -- but also cut a rectangle out of the 6x6 inch linoleum.  I believe this might have happened because the laser raster cut at a 45 degree angle, instead of back and forth:

The laser engraved and cut image

We printed this laser engraved image after the drawing session.  While I liked some of the line quality, the figure looks lost on the 8x8 inch paper:

Henry cut the figure down to get a cleaner print, as there would be no dead space around the figure to ink (which prints as smudges):

We also inked the surrounding linoleum, that leftover after the laser engraving:

Both Henry and I liked this print better, because the surrounding black pushes the ephemeral figure forward.  But the result was still rather dry:

Ultimately this print needs more work.  We have a good start, and may be able to salvage the print with a second color.  However there is no time to experiment as the 45 edition of prints is due on September 1st in Silver City.


Cassandra added some brush ink lines to a failed print, made with Styrofoam at Henry Morales' print workshop at the library in Tijeras on June 3rd.  It actually came out very nicely:

Cassandra added brush inked lines 
to the texture of the Styrofoam print
from a failed print


Henry framed the print that Virgil made at this studio the previous week:

A framed master print

Virgil's print hung
next to Henry's prints

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