Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Wednesday 23 August 2023


Going full on 21st Century, we added AR (Augmented Reality) to my AI prints for the Southwest Print Fiesta 2023 Print Exchange, to conjure a 3D tapir into real space:
Scanning my "woman riding a rhinoceros" print
brought up a 3D tapir* in real space 

*NOTE:  The AR tapir does not actually move in Augmented Reality.  John just took a screen shot, and I further enhanced the photo with more AI to create the animation in PIKA LABS


The basic idea is to allow people to experience an AR (Augmented Reality) image in 3D WITHOUT downloading an app.  However the whole process is rather arduous, as the viewer has to go through a lot of steps -- and it might not even work on their older smart phones.

The AR Procedure

First scan the cartoonish QR code below to get to the WASM-AR website -- which then allows you to scan the print with your smart phone (but probably only in horizonal mode) -- which then takes you to a WebAR link that conjures up the 3D TAPIR in real space (after you scan the space).

1) FIRST Scan this tapir QR code (made online) (goes to TinyUrl/KrrrlTapir):

2) THEN when you scan the print below, it will take you to the Web AR website that will conjure up a floating tapir in 3D:

3) THIS is the experience we are looking for:

The AR even works
when scanning the image
from the laptop screen

We had experimented with AR before back in June, when Adric and Grant helped me hash out the procedure at Quelab using software we found on the Internet.

The AR Backstory

I used several AI (Artificial Intelligence) online programs to create the 3D TAPIR, starting back in August 2022, a year ago, when I first got access to DALL-E:

I then constructed the 3D tapir with Monster Mash, after eliminating the background with RemoveBG.  One can download the resulting 3D tapir.glb file (492KB):

Download the
tapir.glb (492 KB)

THEN we put the 3D TAPIR into AR (Augmented Reality) using the online WebAR program:  <model-viewer>

For creating WebAR, the zip file -- Tapir.zip -- can be downloaded from THIS FOLDER online. If all the contents of this zip file were loaded to a server, I believe that one could see the Augmented Reality tapir in 3D just by going to the website. No app necessary to download. However the viewer must have a newer smartphone, like a Pixel 5a or latest iPhone.

The <model-viewer> program generates all the code necessary for a WebAR experience.  However this code has to be POSTED ON A SERVER.

It did not work posting the code to my GDrive or DropBox.



We have used Augmented Reality before for the Desert Triangle prints:

Augmented Reality


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