Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Sunday 30 July 2023

Roadrunner Opening in Madrid -- 01

The Tuesday Night Drawing session from the Argos Studio/Gallery in Santa Fe had an exhibition of figure drawings at the Roadrunner Studio and Gallery in Madrid, New Mexico.  

The opening was on Saturday, July 29th, from 3 - 7 PM; and the show continued for one more day, Sunday, July 30th, 2023.

in Madrid, New Mexico

A big THANK YOU to Dale McDonnell for hosting the drawing exhibition at his Roadrunner Studio and Gallery:

Dale McDonnell (left)

The opening gets started

Oddly enough, the online Zoom artists showed up first, while the in-person artists showed up later:

The drawing exhibition fit in one room



John Tollett enhanced two of his drawings with Augmented Reality using Artivive:

John's drawing ignited AR

and experience AR 
when you hold your smart phone over this image

John's drawing ignited AR

and experience AR 
when you hold your smart phone over this image

Flash played guitar for the gallery visitors:

Flash on guitar

The exhibition was well attended, and became very crowded inside.  However it was cooler outside, so I took most of my pictures outside:

Bob speeds off after the opening

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