Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Sunday 9 July 2023

Guadalajara and more Printmaking and Art


UPDATE (July 11): I made a big post about the Guadalajara show on the BUCKET EXHBITIONS blog:

Manuel Guerra and 3 Gatos Press showed 8x8 prints at Galeria Sepia in Guadalajara, including one of my AI prints, on July 8, 2023:

Eunice Barajas posted videos of the opening  on Instagram at Galeria Sepia in Guadalajara:

during the opening

John Tollett hand carved a "JAVALINA," but it didn't print well.  So we laser engraved the first version of that "JAVALINA" into linoleum, and sent it directly to Guadalajara:

Eunice Barajas also posted evidence on Instagram of John's "JAVALINA" being printed:


Julianna Kirwin and the HerStory Collective from Albuquerque went up to Mancos Common Press in southwestern Colorado in June to direct a printmaking workshop, and she sent me some pictures:

Printing plate
created with sticky foam

Julianna Kirwin, Shelly Shucker,
Ilene Weiss, and Rosie Carter

Laser cutting EVA FOAM

I got the idea to use sticky foam for printmaking from Julianna Kirwin and the HerStory Collective.  For instance, they put on an outdoor sticky foam printing workshop as part of their Axle Contemporary exhibition in Santa Fe on May 8th, 2022:

I found that laser cutting EVA Foam is fast and easy with my LaserPecker 2, and makes good prints on the REAL Tortilla Press:

The final Maya print
made from laser cut foam
on 8x8 inch paper

The Maya image

I laser cut some EVA adhesive sticky foam sheets from Walmart with my LaserPecker 2 on July 9th:

The EVA foam cuts nicely
with the LaserPecker 2

I cut the foam into a circle
with hand scissors

More laser cutting

I even adhered one of the EVA foam image to a sponge
as the EVA foam was "self adhesive"

Sponge printing
didn't turn out as clean

While I did laser engrave linoleum with the LaserPecker 2 twice this year, it was a lot easier and faster to laser cut the EVA foam:

Going forward we could laser cut the EVA foam outdoors and make prints quickly.  It did smell, but not that bad.  Moreover EVA foam cuts a lot easier -- needing only one pass, while the linoleum engraves need several passes (often taking an hour or more).

AND the EVA foam a is a lot cheaper than linoleum. 

The Laserpecker 2 only cuts 4 inches maximum, which is perfect for printing with the REAL Tortilla Press.

Thus the three sisters of  -- the portable laser cutter, the EVA foam and the REAL Tortilla Press -- is the perfect combination for doing quick unique turnaround prints.  I even bought battery to run the laser cutter, foregoing the need of an electrical outlet.

 NOTE:  EVA foam is safe to cut, but NOT PVC foam!!!!

Rex Baron 
inspecting our mini-exhibition
of framed 4x4 inch prints
at Slow Burn Coffee on July 7th


On July 7th we had the downtown Albuquerque July ABQ Art Walk:

standing in front of her two print/paintings

I've had my eye on this Griff's print for years,
so I had to buy one from the printer himself,

Secret Gallery
SK8 or DIE

The Secret Gallery put on a Skateboard Art show -- SK8 or Die:

Real skateboard skating
on 4th at Central
during the Art Walk

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