Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Thursday 6 July 2023

AI Evolution of my drawing

I "evolved" my figure drawing through various AI (Artificial Intelligence) Art programs online:

1)  I started off with my best drawing from the last session:

The initial drawing

2)  I uploaded my drawing into Deep Dream Generator twice, but both results were awkward:

prompt: "drawing of a sitting woman"

prompt: "sitting woman"

3)  I blended both the awkward drawings above (generated in Deep Dream Generator) and generated a nice drawing in Midjourney:

I blended the two previous images

Then I further manipulated the image in Midjourney using the new Zoom features of version 5.2:

Expanded to the left

2 X Zoom Out, and cropped

4)  I re-colored the result in Palette FM

5)  I brought that re-colored image back into Midjourney and changed it into the style of Moebius, then Zoomed out a couple of times:

prompt: "in the style of Moebius"

2 X Zoom Out

2 X Zoom Out

The process abandoned any reference to my original drawing long ago...

Matt Wolfe compared all the popular AI Art programs to find the best ones (Midjourney and Leonardo.AI):

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