Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Sunday 18 June 2023

June 15, 2023

Drawn live at North Fourth Art Center in Albuquerque:


We printed round linocuts, 4 inch diameter, on a real tortilla press:

Cody Kamrowski's "tortilla linocut" print

Ellie carved a linocut disc quickly, so that we could test the tortilla press:

Ellie did a quick test


However her print did not come out very well, because the pressure was uneven.  We played with the adjustments and got a better print.  Henry Morales said that we would resolve the problem by laying a yoga mat down first, to cushion the print:

Her print did not come out so well,
the pressure was uneven

However Cody Kamrowski's second print
came out really well

We got the idea to use a REAL TORTILLA PRESS last year (2022) -- the ABUSA adjustable tortilla press from Amazon -- from Axle Contemporary, when Matthew pressed masa into linocuts to make REAL tortillas, and passed them out to eat:

We are preparing for the big "Print Off" next month, July 2023.  Manuel Guerra of El Paso will take some linocut discs, at least five of which will be from New Mexico, and print with 3 Gatos Press on the streets of Guadalajara:

We had a "Print Off" on the streets of Guadalajara in 2019:


Now we are going to steal that idea and print linocut discs in Santa Fe, for the PRINTERS PLANET Pop-up on June 24th, 2023, in front of the CURRENTS NEW MEDIA Festival:

We will setting up in front of the CURRENTS Gallery.  Below is a picture of the space on June 17th, for another market:

We will be showing/making prints
in this space in Santa Fe

In short, we are going to steal the linocut disc idea from 3 Gatos Press before they have their "Print Off" next month in Guadalajara.  We will also be sending some of our linocut discs to Guadalajara for their "Print Off."  Finally I plan to show mostly Mexican prints in Santa Fe next week on June 24th.

At Quelab I laser engraved some linocut discs to print, from an AI Art image:

Variations of laser engraving of the same zebra image,
the bottom three discs made for the real tortilla press

I originally generated the AI Art image on Midjourney

Meanwhile Manuel Guerra drove up from El Paso to see the NEXOS ENTRE RAICES exhibition at the National Hispanic Cultural Center in Albuquerque, where two of his prints are showing:

Julianna Kirwin also had a print hanging at the National Hispanic Cultural Center, for the opening of a different exhibition there that night -- "Aliento a Tequila y el Arte de Agave."


Manuel Guerra drove me up to Santa Fe for the opening at Gerald Peters Gallery for Tom Birkner:


Grant and I drove up to Santa Fe to see the CURRENTS NEW MEDIA Festival on June 17th, 2023.  

We didn't actually beam into the exhibition,

I was especially interested in the exhibitions of AI ART:

A few exhibits -- like SpamBots -- hit me harder after I walked away and thought about them for a bit:

from ITP at NYU

Adan Aga, from ITP at NYU, was born without a sense of smell, so he created an AI Smelling Machine -- ADNOSE:

Adan Aga next to his nose machine
(a reproduction of his nose)

One puts an item under the nose, the nostril takes a picture of it, searches that on Google Lens, and then uses ChatGPT to identify the smell -- printing out the description from the other nostril:

The printout describes the smell

On Friday night (June 17th) they were having a car show on the Santa Fe Plaza:

So I mixed the cars with other photos from the CURRENTS show until I got something satisfying, somewhat capturing the Santa Fe weekend:

I summed up the Santa Fe weekend
with this AI Art generation from Midjourney

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