Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Tuesday 13 June 2023

June 12, 2023

Drawn at Art Buddies in Albuquerque:


Barbara Endicott drew on an expanded PVC foam square with the idea of making a print, using a light turquoise ball point pen to "draw the whites."  Then she inked the plate with waterbased Speedball ink to see how it would look when printed:

Barbara Endicott's foam PVC plate,

So I tried to repeat the idea, of "drawing the whites."  I first tried to tint the plate by covering it with pencil, though that wasn't dark enough. Then I drew into the foam plate with a white gel ballpoint pen.  The pen was hard enough to gouge the foam, but I don't know that it actually made any white marks:

Deceptive photo --
the lines do not protrude,
but rather are gouged into the PVC foam

Our Desert Triangle Print Carpeta exhibition opened at the University of Arizona Art Museum in Tucson on Saturday, June 10th, 2023, and they made a couple of Instagram posts about it:

3 Gatos Press and Manuel Guerra are already preparing for an exhibition and "Print Off" in Guadalajara on the 8th of July, 2023, at the Galeria Sepia GDL:


There are more AI Art tools coming out everyday, and I used a couple of new ones for free -- Clipdrop and MusicGen:

I "uncropped" an AI art image I made in Midjourney

I made test prints on June 14th,
on the large scale printers at Quelab,
the top is from Photoshop (after image was enlarged),
the bottom is from Vinyl Master (unenlarged image)

Then I added AI music created with MusicGen, to make the video below.  I actually uploaded a song to the demo program, and the program made an AI variation of that song:

Hecho en AI


Monty Singer has a pastel hanging at the Albuquerque Museum right now:

Also Karsten Creightney, UNM professor, has some prints hanging at the Albuquerque Museum:

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