Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Thursday 4 May 2023

May 4, 2023

Drawn live at North Fourth Art Center in Albuquerque:


The first print we made was from Rich in Peru:

The final print,

Rich sent us a drawing in email from Peru:

The drawing Rich emailed from Peru

I then laser engraved his image into a 6x6 inch linoleum square using the laser cutter at Quelab in Albuquerque:

Laser engraving into linoleum
in Albuquerque

The laser engraved 6x6 inch linoleum
(two engraving passes)

Ellie insisted on printing the linocut


Printed using the "Cool S Baren"

We used Akua black ink,
and could see the image through the paper
as we were hand printing

The print and the plate

Ken Romig drew the last pose with a pen into Expanded PVC Foam and we printed it:

Ken Romig drew the last pose
and we printed it

We also reprinted one of my images, and donated it to the auction for Literacy Volunteers of Santa Fe:


Some of the artists at the drawing session are also exhibiting in the hallway of the North Fourth Art Center:

Ken Romig

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