Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Thursday 18 May 2023

Laserpecker 2 Prints

I tried to laser engrave and print some images that 3 Gato Press sent me from Guadalajara in email for the 8x8 exhibition in El Paso:

Laser engraved linocut prints,
from Xavier Moreno and Alejandro Mares

I used the portable Laserpecker 2 to laser engrave into linoleum in El Paso.  However the maximum size it would engrave is 4x4 inches:

at work engraving

I laser engraved Xavier Moreno's image on a 6x6 inch linoleum, though the laser only engraved a 4x4 inch square:

Xavier Moreno's linocut,
4x4 inch area
engraved into a 6x6 inch linoleum square

Though I engraved 4 times (at 100% power, depth 10), the lines were still too shallow to make a good print:

The lines filled up with Akua ink,
so the prints were too dark

I laser engraved the cat image by Alejandra Mares much deeper (~6 times at 100% power, depth 10) (about an hour), 4x4 inches, on a 6x6 inch linoleum square, and the print came out better:

Alejandra Mares' linocut,
4x4 inch engraved area
on a 6x6 inch linoleum square

The deeper laser engraving made better prints:

Two prints
of Alejandra Mares' image

I need to work more with the Laserpecker 2 to make better prints.  Specifically I need to make deeper cuts.

I printed outside in El Paso:

Minimal printmaking setup

We had previously laser engraved an image that Xavier Moreno sent in email from Guadalajara, and successfully print it.  However that image was engraved much deeper, and with the big laser cutter at Quelab, on a full 6x6 inch linoleum square:


The Laserpecker 2 fits in an old camera case:

Laserpecker 2 and equipment
all fit in an old camera case


The Laserpecker app does not always run smoothly.  My tablet would talk to the Laserpecker through Bluetooth, because the laser did outline the cutting area in a "preview."  However the Bluetooth failed to send the image to the Laserpecker, always failing on the last step.

Therefore I deleted a lot of files to gain more storage on the tablet, but that did not help.

I upgraded the Android software on the tablet (Samsung SM-T350), and that did not help.

I figured that the Laserpecker app had corrupted itself on my tablet, so I uninstalled that software.  That is when I discovered that I could not reinstall that software from the Google Play Store.

The LaserPecker app
was no longer available for my tablet anymore

At first I thought that the Android tablet update killed the Laserpecker app.  However later I concluded that my tablet was too old for the current Laserpecker app.  I probably needed a newer version of Android, rather that an upgrade of the version I had on my tablet.

Ultimately I discovered an older version of the Laserpecker app -- version 3.60 -- as an APK file and downloaded and installed that.  

I had to change the settings on my tablet to "install unknown apps."

I then had to go to settings to give several permissions to the LaserPecker app.

Lastly I had to re-register the app with the Laserpecker company in China, with the email I used to buy it, in order to get it activated to work again.

Still the Laserpecker app does not always work smoothly, but if I try a few times my tablet will send my image to the Laserpecker, and the unit will engrave.

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