Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Wednesday 31 May 2023

May 2023 SUMMARY

The big event in May was the "8x8 II" print exhibition in El Paso.


The second 8x8 print exhibition in El Paso opened on May 19th, and continued through June 3, 2023:

Earlier we showed prints during the Studio Print Tour in Las Cruces on May 6th, 2023:


We laser engraved some images -- from distant places -- into linoleum and made relief prints from them: 


 Six people came to print on Saturday, May 27th, at the North Fourth Art Center, for the "BLOCK PARTY." The idea was that artists were supposed to bring carved linoleum plates, and then dedicate themselves to print them all day.  However the new people carved their plates during the workshop:


Around May 23rd Latent Labs released a text-to-3D program in Discord, and I generated a 3D javelina:


One of my goals is to use all the tools at the  Quelab hackerspace to bring my drawings into the real world.

Aaron cut one of my drawings out in metal using the PLASMA CUTTER:.


The Rio Grande has been flooding around Albuquerque -- someone called the flooded areas the "Bosque Bayou," it looks like Louisiana.  I took these pictures on May 31st:

Cottonwood trees
don't grow in the river

What is so ironic is that the Rio Grande was completely dry about a year ago.  I walked across the river on July 24th, and took this video:

And back during the Pandemic in 2021 someone had put up a sign on the edge of the Bosque -- "Please Don't Feed the Gentrifiers" -- which would be at the edge of the flood if someone else hadn't taken it down:


May 30, 2023

The Tuesday Night drawing group of Santa Fe drew both in person and on Zoom at the new Argos Gallery/Studio location. They arranged a hybrid real/virtual drawing session that had started during Covid. 

On June 1st I altered my drawing

May 29, 2023

Drawn at Art Buddies in Albuquerque: