Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Wednesday 19 April 2023

April 18, 2023

We drew and printed at Sir Henry Morales' studio in Albuquerque:

I drew the model
and made bad prints afterwards

Virgil Velasco made good prints,
on plate he carved before coming to the drawing session

We also experimented and printed
John Tollett's plate,
which he gave me in Santa Fe --

Virgil pulling, Henry pushing
to make a print
on Henry's letterpress proofing press


Virgil brought in two carved linocuts, and Henry printed them after the model session:

Virgil's first plate --


The first print

Perfect every time

Virgil's second plate

Inking sections

The print!


 John Tollett gave me an Expanded PVC Foam plate that he drew/gouged into, and Henry experimented with that using two colors:

"Painting" a second color 

The experimental print

Printed with a dirty darker color,
with a touch of Diarylide Yellow


I drew the model onto Expanded PVC Foam, and then cut it out to make a puzzle print plate:

I gouged the figure with styli

It was not easy 
cutting the figure out from the background,
I broke two knives in the process

Inking in two colors

The inked puzzle plate
put back together
and ready to print

The print

I think the print looks better
with dirtier colors (right)

Midjourney AI Variations

 I ran my print though the AI Art program Midjourney:

My image blended
with a fake image by Maxfield Parrish (see image below)

I found this fake Maxfield Parrish image on Midjourney,
and blended it with my print

Above image refried in  Midjourney
with prompt: "in the style of Moebius"


Greta Young in Santa Fe, also carved a linoleum plate, and we printed it with an impure black, mixed with a bit of yellow and blue:


My laser engraved print failed twice.  First I failed on the laser cutter, engraving almost a whole layer off with no image, leaving only the sides un-engraved.  I salvaged the linoleum plate by engraving a second time.

However Henry's letterpress proofing press would not print the double-engraved plate.  The whole inside was too low to get any pressure.  Note in the image below, only the sides printed, the highest part of the linoleum plate:

On the sides printed
of the double laser engraved linoleum plate

Afterwards we laid on a new piece of paper
and pressed it with an Iron Frog glass baren

I double laser engraved two linoleum plates, so I messed up a second one as well.  However I just cut off the high edges and this plate should print fine:

Cut linoleum plate

  • Henry's letterpress proofing press is a miracle machine, producing great prints every time (almost), way better than my Tortilla Press
  • The Easy-to-Cut linoleum (not real linoleum) that Virgil bought at Hobby Lobby, printed very well.  And Virgil said that it was easy to cut.  Perhaps this is the best material to use for shallow cuts on complicated images.
  • I like the dirty colors.  The colors straight out of the can are too pure, and don't resonate with each other when printed next to each other
  • It takes a while to print with color, so it's not easy to do during the model breaks.  After the three hour drawing session we spent three more hours printing.  Therefore perhaps we need to arrange a separate printing session.  I could not call it a "workshop" since I'm not a printmaker.  But I could arrange a "Block Party" once a month, by bringing all the materials to a location, and asking everyone to bring their carved blocks to print. And if Henry came and guided us, that would be all the better


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