Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Friday 17 March 2023

March 16, 2023

We printed and drew at the North Fourth Art Center in Albuquerque:


Athan Psomas

We printed Athan Psomas' linocut :

Athan Psomas print

I laser engraved a drawing into linoleum at Quelab the night before:

The laser engraved linoleum plate


 Nice print!

Ellie Weadock

Ellie Weadock decided to do a monoprint from one of her drawings of the model that night:

Fully inking the plate with relief black ink

Wiping the ink away with a Q-tip,
drawing from the model drawing
 she finished a few minutes before

Ready to print

Printing with her feet

The monoprint process
worked out very nicely

Cesar Chavez of Llave Studios brought in the linoleum plate he carved:

Of course, everything prints backwards

My Drawings

Remixed in Version 5

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