Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Monday 6 March 2023

Inpost and ABQ Artwalk -- March 2023

At drawing last Thursday Ann noted that there were a lot of art shows popping up.  Where are they?  I hear about them by word of mouth, since there is no Albuquerque listing of the openings.  

I heard about the Inpost opening in Albuquerque -- Abstraction in Albuquerque: Six Artists -- on Saturday, March 4th, 2023:

Kim Arthun's four pieces
below the signage

A year ago we had an exhibition at the Inpost of the Ambos Lados International Print Exchange, put on by the same curators, Lacey Chrisco and Chandler Wigton:

Ambos Lados will rise once again on March 18th, 2023, at the El Paso Museum of History:


And there is always the ABQ Artwalk in downtown Albuquerque to look forward to, usually on First Fridays:

I usually start the Artwalk at the Secret Gallery in Barelas, which is a block away from my house:

In front of the Secret Gallery

John Paul Gutierrez had a couple of pieces in the "Street Smarts" show at the Secret Gallery.  Maybe this is his follow-up from the UK Illustration Championships last year:

John Paul Gutierrez also had a show at the OT Circus last year, during the ABQ Artwalk on April 7th, 2022.

Later that night I ran into John Paul Gutierrez at the SideTrack bar.

By Dickey

I proceeded downtown for the March 3rd, 2023 ABQ Artwalk:

Art lovers on 4th near Central
enjoying the ABQ Artwalk

The Mothership Alumni on 4th at Central:


Ben Harrison exhibited his drawing sculpture in front of the Red Door Brewing Company:

Later Ben Harrison organized a life drawing session
in front of the Red Door Brewing Company

This time 516 Arts was open, so I popped into their exhibition -- "Artists as Knowledge Carriers":

A furry in front of Curious Toast

Year of the Rabbit

The above Low Rider reimagined

I stopped into El Chante Casa de Cultura

Earlier I checked out the Tortuga Gallery -- Creativity with Purpose:

During the ABQ Artwalk last month (February 2023) I was pleasantly surprised to see an exhibition including the El Paso high school artists:

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