Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Tuesday 28 February 2023

February 28, 2023

We drew at Sir Henry Morales' studio in Albuquerque.

I drew/carved into Expanded PVC Foam and Henry printed it after the model left:

The variety of lines
might have made this
my most successful figure print yet

I first drew on the foam square with a gel pen (the lines would rub off with a bit of water):

I then drew into the foam using a stylus and diamond point. Next I pushed into the foam with the large ball end of a modeling stylus, making large dot dents:

Finally I carved out the contour of the figure with a linocut knife, and then Henry inked it for printing:

Henry "kisses" the paper first,
pressing it into the linocut with an Iron Frog

Then Henry pulls the roller over the print
with his old Letterpress press

We followed a similar process to print the AI generated linocut generated by Leonardo.AI, which I engraved into linoleum with the laser cutter at Quelab.  I also worked Maya Blue pigment into plate oil to make a blu printmaking ink:

Inked with Maya Blue pigment color

The Maya Blue print on the left
came out nicer than the black print on the right


Henry also printed two of his foam plates and one of Cassandra's linocuts:

Henry's self portrait plate

Pulling out all the PVC worms
with tweezers

Printed on two slightly different colored papers
with black ink

Henry carved the model and printed it afterwards, that same night:

The foam was spray painted black
before carving

Almost carved

Inked and ready to print
on the Letterpress bed

The final print

Printed in blue and black

Cassandra's Print

Henry quickly carved a contour around Cassandra's linocut:

Cassandra's final print

My other drawings/plates from the same session:

We have drawn and printed in Henry's studio before:

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