Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Wednesday 22 February 2023

February 21, 2023

The Tuesday Night drawing group of Santa Fe drew both in person and on Zoom at the new Argos Gallery/Studio location. They arranged a hybrid real/virtual drawing session that had started during Covid.  One person drew from Taos, two of us drew from Albuquerque:

Drawn in ballpoint pen, for lithography --

John Tollett drew the model live in Santa Fe while I drew the same model via Zoom on my laptop in Albuquerque.

NOTE:  John Tollett  also revamped his website, so that a lot of the previous links to his blog posts are broken.


We jig sawed three linoleum squares into six pieces.  The idea is to pass out the pieces to various artists for them to carve blindly.  Then we can ink (even in different colors) and put back two of the linoleum squares to make a single 8x8 inch print:

Jigsawed 6x6 inch linoleum squares --
the three are the left will make 9 different prints 
when pieced together

This is like Exquisite Corpse.

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