Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Tuesday 17 January 2023

Remarque Open House

Remarque Print Workshop in Albuquerque had their annual Open House on Saturday, January 7th:

Lee Ginsburg and Anne Steen

Lee Ginsburg (Art Thief) and Anne Steen (The Rabbit) had a great time demonstrating the silk screening technique:

Lee Ginsburg

Anne Steen

Holland Hardie

Holland Hardie, one of the four owners of Remarque, demonstrated relief linocut printmaking:

Jessica Krichels

Jessica Krichels, one of the four owners of Remarque, demonstrated letterpress printmaking:

Letterpress printing
from a hand carved linocut

Lincoln Draper

Lincoln Draper, one of the four owners of Remarque, demonstrated photopolymer printing with the "À la poupée" multi-color technique:

Beautiful color print

Mary Sundstrom

Mary Sundstrom demonstrated alternative drypoint techniques in the main studio:

Pam Wesolek

Pamela Wesolek is a master etching printmaker:

Pam used a heavy metal block
 for multi-color registration --
to hold down the paper
while she switched the plate out 
from underneath the paper

Pam's multi-color robin print

Eli Levin

Pamela Wesolek also printed some of Eli Levin's plates:

They also had an Open House last year, on April 30th, 2022.  I am surprised at how much I learn when I attend these Open House printmaking events.

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