Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Saturday 14 January 2023

January 3, 2023

The Tuesday Night drawing group of Santa Fe drew both in person and on Zoom at the new Argos Gallery/Studio location. They arranged a hybrid real/virtual drawing session that had started during Covid. I drew from El Paso.

John Tollett drew from the same model live in Santa Fe, while I drew from the Zoom on the laptop in El Paso.

El Paso

Manny of Horned Toad Prints gave me a polyester litho sheet, to draw on and make a lithography print.  However  I drew on it with a Sharpie Gel Pen, and that process failed.  I should have used a ball point pen:

Failed litho sheet

There were these strange highway signs in El Paso -- "Watch For Unexpected Pedestrians."  This was on Loop 375, as it skirts right next to the border with Mexico. This is because immigrants are crossing in from the border wall.  In fact, the big red X is a huge sculpture in Ciudad Juarez, by Sebastian:

"Watch For Unexpected Pedestrians"

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