Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Tuesday 27 December 2022

December 27, 2022

The Tuesday Night drawing group of Santa Fe drew both in person and on Zoom at the new Argos Gallery/Studio location. They arranged a hybrid real/virtual drawing session because we are still coming out of Covid.  I drew from El Paso.

John Tollett drew from the same model live in Santa Fe, while I drew from the Zoom on the laptop in El Paso.


Deborah and I stayed in Cloudcroft, NM for two nights, 20-21, December: 

Cloudcroft, New Mexico

On December 28th I saw a lot of immigrants (from Venezuela I believe) near the border in downtown El Paso, mostly in front of Francisco Delgado's mural on the gymnasium of the Sacred Heart church.  This scene was getting a lot of attention on the national news:


Ho Baron

The El Paso Museum of Art showed the work of Ho Baron -- Gods for Future Religions -- in the large space, adjacent to the Dali "Homage to Dante" exhibition:


Next to the Ho Baron exhibition, sharing the same large gallery space, was the Salvador Dali exhibition -- "Homage to Dante: Salvador Dali's illustrations for the Divine Comedy":

Isadora Stowe

Isadora Stowe is showing on the first floor of the El Paso Museum of Art  -- Isadora Stowe: illuminated.  The Desert Triangle exhibited with her at the Las Cruces Museum of Art in 2019.  We also exhibited the Desert Triangle in the same gallery space of the El Paso Museum of Art in 2016:

It's always great when I get to go to El Paso!

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