Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Wednesday 2 November 2022


After coloring a lot of my pen and pencil drawings with Petalica Paint, I changed the color with PALETTE FM - COLORIZE PHOTOS:


1)  First I colorized a pen or pencil drawing with Petalica Paint:

Pen drawing colorized by

2)  Then I re-colorized the Petalica Paint version with Palette FM - Colorize Photos:

The first figure was colored by Petalica Paint --
then used as a base for the second two figures
colorized by Palette FM

3)  I posted the colored version(s) by Palette FM - Colorize Photos individually:


I took the same steps with the all the following images:

Text 2 Dream

Pushing the AI process further, I uploaded a colorized image to Deep Dream Generator and asked the "Text 2 Dream" feature to transform the figure into a running woman by famous artists:

Not all the other text-generated variations came out this well.

I then colorized the diptych above again with Palette FM -- Colorize Photo:




Earlier this year I uploaded a video of my pen and pencil drawings colored by Petalica Paint.

I think that the colors of AI generated art images are too garish.  If one could manipulate the whole color palette of the image, with or without AI, that would be a big boost to any AI generated artwork.  The Palette FM - Colorize Photos website is a huge resource.  Now if one could upload their own color palette and have an AI program fine tune all the colors to agree with that palette...

I also think the color is a problem of a lot of contemporary paintings.  There is a tendency for artists to paint with the colors as they come straight out of the tube.  Everyone wants beautiful color.  But putting all the beautiful colors on one canvas makes more of a visual cacophony, like playing all the musical instruments at once.

Once I made the ugliest painting, mostly made of this hematite pigment that I ground into oil that looked like pus, along with a lot of other ugly colors.  But when I added a dot of Old Holland Cadmium Red, the whole canvas lit up.  The beautiful rich red color was super-highlighted by the super ugly colors -- and the whole canvas came together wonderfully.  That might have been the best painting I ever made.

It's important to strike the right color chord on a canvas.

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