Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Tuesday 25 October 2022

Variations on a figure

I asked the "Text 2 Dream" option in Deep Dream Generator to convert one of my colored drawings into the styles of many other different artists:


I made variations from this image



I mashed three of variations above into a single image -- an AI Exquisite Corpse.

AI Exquisite Corpse

These are the three images
that make up the Exquisite Corpse above

with transparent background

The Exquisite Corpse looks great as a hologram:

Exquisite Hologram


I then ran the above EXQUISITE CORPSE (complete version) through the "Text 2 Dream" option in Deep Dream Generator and generated the below variations, from the styles of the artists that made the above Exquisite Corpse.


Most of these transformations with "Text 2 Dream" (an option in Deep Dream Generator) into the styles of other artists are not that exciting.  Surely if I started with a different base image, some of the results would be better from some artists versus others.  I just wanted to show off that wide variety of results by starting with the same figure drawing.

An artist might game the AI program by figuring out which kinds of input drawings give the best results, with which kinds of artists.

I think that the AI yields the best Egon Schieles, and thus must be biased towards Egon Schiele.

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