Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Friday 2 September 2022


I thought that the photogravure process might translate some of my digitally enhanced drawings into etchings.  So we tried a quick experiment at Remarque Print Workshop in Albuquerque, and I picked it up on September 2, 2022:

The photogravure experiment

This was taken from the digital image below:

I liked this image because it had a sparkly kick to it after I edited it in Photoshop Elements, and the exaggerated forms enhanced the feeling of gravity acting on the figure.

The sparkle feeling did not translate entirely in the photogravure print, and the figure drawing lost volume.


So we are going to try again with a figure drawing with a Maya style, altered by Deep Dream Generator.  I think this image might be more forgiving because the lines are a tad bit harsher:

(enlarged to 3052 x 3140 pixels with Waifu2x!)

I like the idea of blending a traditional print method (photogravure) with a 21st Century affectation (Artificial Intelligence) to generate one of my figure drawings with a contemporary technique.

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