Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Sunday 3 April 2022

Tortilla Press printing at Hecho Gallery in Santa Fe

Tortilla Press Printing

We took the Tortilla Press up to Santa Fe and did live printing for the grand opening of HECHO GALLERY in Santa Fe -- 129 W Palace -- on April 1st, 5 - 7 PM:

  • Thank you John Tollett for the video above and many of the pictures below

Frank Rose opened a second gallery in Santa Fe on April 1st, 2022 -- HECHO GALLERY -- which got a nice write-up in the Pasatiempo.  I also recommend his other gallery at the top of Canyon Road -- Hecho A Mano.

The Pasatiempo article
in the paper version

The April 1st opening was packed and very elegant, with music by DJ Erin.

This is the Tortilla Press set up in the gallery:

We set up on a single table in the gallery

Visitors lined up non-stop
to get a free print at the opening


Thank you Rich Hasler!
He came from Albuquerque to attend the opening
and wound up printing with me all night

Perhaps the best thing was when we asked the visitors to pump the handle on the Tortilla Press, and then run the tiny glass Iron Frog baren over the print they got to take home, for free:

The most fun was watching other people
do all the work 

Tres Gatos Press
from Guadalajara

Tres Gatos Press from Guadalajara not only pioneered the customized Tortilla Press idea that we used --   they also sent us four round linoleum plates to print.  

Below are the four prints by Tres Gatos Press that we printed and gave out:

Xavier Moreno

Alejandra Mares

Xavier Moreno

Alejandra Mares

Hello Print Friend interviewed Tres Gatos Press in both languages:

Tres Gatos Press also participated in the Ambos Lados International Print Exchange, between the US and Mexico, which is how we met them.

Tres Gatos Press also organized an international paste-up project in 2021, soliciting drawings of forward-looking skulls to make a Tzompantli (Aztec trophy skull rack), to paste up in the nicest cemetery in Guadalajara:

We pasted a flyer on the print table to direct visitors to the 3 Gatos Press Instagram.  Horned Toad Prints from El Paso is also on the flyer, as we are working with them to push and perfect the Tortilla Printing in the US.

Horned Toad Prints
and 3 Gatos Press

A quick look to the street
during the HECHO GALLERY opening

Update (March 11): Hecho Gallery wrote a news story on us in their blog:

Axle Contemporary
Mobile Art Gallery

While I was in Santa Fe I checked out the mobile AXLE CONTEMPORARY art van, which was exhibiting paste-up prints of HerStory, honoring significant women.  This was organized by Julianna Kirwin of Albuquerque :

The Axle van was parked
across the street from Site Santa Fe that day

The Axle van meets the Rail Runner train
at the Railyard in Santa Fe

We are planning on showing 8 x 8 inch framed prints in July in the Axle van, and do live Tortilla Press printing again.  This is part of the BUCKETS EXHIBITIONS print pop-up project.  This will happen also during the Print Matters Festival at the same time in Santa Fe, organized by Tim Jag.

I also visited the new Artes de Cuba gallery while I was in Santa Fe.  Run by Stuart Ashman, this gallery apparently has only been open for a month:

Albuquerque Museum

On Sunday, March 3rd, the Albuquerque Museum put on the second of three printmaker panel talks in tandem with the current exhibition -- The Printer’s Proof: Artist and Printer Collaborations.   

(Left to right in the image below) Curator Josie Lopez conducted the interview with Karsten CreightneyMichael Costello, Harmony Hammond and Marina Ancona:

with his prints projected in the background
at the Albuquerque Museum

Meanwhile, in Socorro, Texas near El Paso, the Moonlight Art Gala is coming on Saturday, April 9th, 5 - 10 PM.

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