Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Friday 22 April 2022

April 21, 2022

Drawn live at North Fourth Arts Center in Albuquerque.

I applied the style of a similar drawing
and further edited the result in Photoshop Elements 2021


We used the Tortilla Press to crank out a couple more "8 x 8 inch" prints during the drawing session:

Mark Woody
holding his print

Mark Woody's print

Mary Julyan
holding her print

Mary Julyan's print

Rich Hasler brought in four "8 x 8 inch" prints
that he made at home

Printmakers are causing trouble up in Spokane, Washington with Reinaldo Gil Zambrano.  The first picture is of Pavel Acevedo and Killjoy.  The second is of Marco Sanchez and Omar Gonzales.

I went to an art opening at the Menaul School on Friday, April 22nd, 2022:

Brian next to Augustine Romero
in front of Augustine's sculpture

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