Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Friday 25 March 2022

March 24, 2022

Drawn live at North Fourth Arts Center in Albuquerque.

I created an image online in jacksonpollack.org
and transferred that style to my drawing


The last pose drawn on linoleum

Carving at Little Bear Coffee in Nob Hill
on March 25th

Carved on March 25th

Printed on March 27, 2021

Image/Convert to Binary/Binary (Floyd Steinberg)

Input image was the cut linoleum,
No post-editing

Input image was the cut linoleum,
No post-editing

Input image was the cut linoleum,
No post-editing

Input image was the FINAL PRINT,
No post-editing

We printed Rich Hasler's skull
during the drawing session

The next day I ran into Ben Harrison carrying a board of  drawings that he made from the same session, figures on comic book pages. He was going to enter his studio -- Alumni Mothership -- at 4th and Central in downtown Albuquerque.  They were filming the movie Oppenheimer on the same street at that time:

The news directed me to this story about the closing of a 2010s' "Art Commune" in San Francisco, which at 1061 Market Street, is only a few buildings down from my old studio (in the Grant Building, at the corner of 7th and Market Street).  I like to say that R Crumb sketched in front of my studio back in the 1990s, in the longest stretch of the documentary film about him.  It was in a pretty sketchy area even back then.

They also filmed part of that documentary where I worked, at Flax Art and Design further up Market Street, and I got to sell R Crumb some French paper after the crew put their cameras away.  However that footage did not make the movie.  Still, I've lived my art career precariously through R Crumb ever since.

The "Art Commune" reminds me of another one that burnt down in Oakland in 2016 -- the Ghost Ship.

MidJourney -- New AI program with closed Beta   #midjourney

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