Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Wednesday 9 February 2022

February 8, 2022

The Tuesday Night drawing group of Santa Fe drew together online using Zoom, because of the Covid 19 quarantine.  The model was from the Washington DC area:

I am thinking of making a photogravure print out of this image at Remarque Print Workshop:

Imagining that the photogravure print
would look like this

Hybrid drawing...
I started this drawing from last week's model
and just added to it from the pose of this week's model


I drew the long last pose on a 6 x6 inch linoleum square.  Then on Friday (Feb 11) I took the Rail Runner train up to Santa Fe and carved the linoleum at Iconik Coffee (on Guadalupe Street).  Then I printed it on 8 x 8 inch paper when I got home:

Drawn on 6 x 6 inch linoleum
to be carved and printed

Carving at Iconik Coffee in Santa Fe

Raw carved linoleum

Printed on 8 x 8 inch paper

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