Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Monday 6 September 2021

August 31, 2021 -- Figure drawings into Architecture

The Tuesday Night drawing group of Santa Fe drew together online using Zoom, because of the Covid 19 quarantine.  The model was from the Washington DC area.


I used the prompts in the "text-to-image" program VQGAN+CLIP to convert all my pencil figure drawings into architecture:

This pencil figure drawing

YANDEX and Google similar visual images


YANDEX and Google visually similar images

YANDEX and Google similar visual images


YANDEX and Google similar visual images

YANDEX and Google similar visual images


YANDEX and Google similar visual images



AI Buffett

I distorted my portrait drawing through four online AI (artificial intelligence) programs:

The scanned pencil drawing portrait

NOTE:  The "Portrait" prompt in VQGAN+CLIP program delivered a very similar image result twice, seen both at the beginning and end of the long video above -- even though the "initial_image" was very different for each run.  It seems that the "text-to-image" input overpowers the "initial image" input.

First and last VQGAN images in the above video,
both using the prompt "Portrait" --
note how the results converged on the same colored portrait,
even though they were based on very different initial images

AI (artificial intelligence) online programs used in the portrait video:

All these guys below are related in Artbreeder (and loosely based on my pencil drawn portrait):

This face below is what comes up when I uploaded my portrait drawing into Deep Face Drawing:


I colored my pen drawings from that session in Petalica Paint:

(ok, this is a colored pencil drawing)

I then created a few PNG images with transparent backgrounds in Paint 3D:


The compositions were created in Photoshop Elements 2021 using "Layers."

YANDEX and Google visually similar images

YANDEX and Google visually similar images

YANDEX and Google visually similar images

Composition in 3D


I drew the last pose on linoleum, and then immediately cut it out and printed it with the Tortilla Press:

Relief Print

UPDATE (October 1, 2021):  I submitted an edition of 45 of this relief print for the Southwest Print Fiesta Print Exchange 2021, all made on the Tortilla Press.


I used the same "secret sauce" text that Holly used to create her Abraham.ai image.  I used it in the  VQGAN+CLIP  Colab notebook, starting with my portrait as the "initial_image," and the result was similar, though different enough:

The above two images combined sorta,
to make the large bottom image --
created with the same text,
but in different VQGAN programs

Pete McCracken from Portland gave a silk screen presentation at Remarque Print Workshop in Albuquerque on September 2nd.  He is giving a Serigraph Print Editions workshop at Remarque on November 6 - 7, 2021.  It would be nice to pull an AI print edition, and bring the new found digital art into the real world.

after his serigraph presentation at Remarque,
on September 2nd


I tried the free online DALL-E Mini "text-to-image" program, by borisdayma:

It generated the 8 images below when I typed in "Dancing racoons under the Sandia Mountains" (though none of the images much resembled the text):

This apparently is a version of the first DALL-E program from Open AI.

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