Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Sunday 20 June 2021

June 15, 2021

The Tuesday Night drawing group of Santa Fe drew together online using Zoom, because of the Covid 19 quarantine.  The model was from San Angelo, Texas.


John Tollett colored and altered one of my drawings from this session:

The Other Drawings

I applied the style of the above image
to a pencil drawing,
and did not further edit the result

Other Happenings

Everything is breaking out as Covid winds down and the temperature hits 102°.  New Mexico is supposed to lift Covid restrictions on July 1st.

Manny Guerra came up from El Paso to borrow my small press:

Manuel Guerra drove up from El Paso on June 16,
and took the Shinzaburo Takeda print,
along with his Horned Toad II Print Exchange 
and my small press

Karsten Creightney is having an exhibition at the New Mexico Art Museum in Santa Fe:

The main exhibition upstairs was about the gallery owner Elaine Horwitch, and curated by Julie Sasse who worked for her for 14 years, and is now the chief curator at the Tucson Museum of Art.

We saw Raye Leith's painting on parking blocks in Santa Fe:

Parking Santa Fe style

My friend Eric was dancing during a live stream up in Denver.

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