Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Wednesday 21 April 2021

April 20, 2021

The Tuesday Night drawing group of Santa Fe drew together online using Zoom, because of the Covid 19 quarantine. The model was from San Angelo, Texas, and Tanya drew from Florida, above Miami.

I encourage people to download and alter all the 3D files below -- 210420__GLB_figures.zip (809 KB). They were all decimated into the smallest file size that I could make in 3D Builder (comes free with Windows 10), in a height of about 25 mm (~ 1 inch). Drag and drop individual GLB files into overbits.herokuapp.com/fbxgltf/ to view in the browser in 3D.

I drew all the figures in Paint 3D except for the last two.  I drew figure "K" first in Blender, and added more forms to it in Paint 3D.  I drew figure "L" entirely in Blender, then colored it and added circles around it in Paint 3D.













"Drawing" in 3D with Blender

YouTube tutorialMake Characters Fast With The Skin Modifier || Blender 2.91
YouTube tutorialBlender 2.8 Add-on Tutorial : Scatter Objects & Make Instances real

Tips when drawing in Blender using the Skin Modifier:

  • Alt Z in Edit mode to see the vertices (transparent view)
  • M and Collapse reduces the form into a ball
  • Mark Root in Skin Modifier before extruding
"Mark Root" button, 
seems to anchor the vertex point
from which you can extrude and otherwise alter

  • Download skin.blend (760 KB) to get a head start on making a figure in Blender.  Go to EDIT mode.
  • E for extruding
  • G for moving one or more vertices
  • Ctrl A for scaling
  • Ctrl R adds points on the extruding line (adds loop cut)
  • Shift D to make a copy of a shape, which can then be moved around
  • Shift Ctrl B for beveling a vertex
  • Object mode/Object/Apply/Make Instances Real before exporting, otherwise the figure will not export
  • ***I exported the whole thing as an STL file.  That way all the pieces are automatically glued together as one when opened in another program.  Exporting as an OBJ works if one wants to export the object as individual pieces.  Both the STL and OBJ files opened in Paint 3D, however  a GLB file did NOT open in that program.

While I created the last figure "L" in Blender, I colored and added the circles around it in Paint 3D:

Figure "L" enhanced with orbits

John Tollett's drawing of the same model that night.


I drew the 3 "sandwich," slightly longer poses, in DADA NYC, immediately answering Holly Grimm's drawings:

I altered both images in Deep Dream Generator,
Holly's image top,
my response image bottom


Immediately after the drawing session John Tollett applied a texture to my Blender created figure using Adobe Dimension:

Instant effect on figure "L"
using Adobe Dimension

I rigged figure "A" and animated it in Blender:

So I tried doing the same thing in Paint 3D, and it worked.

My figure "L"
completely wrapped in Holly's image below
using Paint 3D

I uploaded the first figure "A" to Google Poly so that people can download and remix it. Unfortunately this website will cease to be on June 30, 2021.😢

I uploaded figure "C" to the website p3d.in, and embedded the interactive window below:


Spirt Station ABQ

I went to the Spirit Station ABQ meeting on April 22, at the "Secret Gallery" in the old B Ruppe drug store in Barelas.  They are organizing an art project with the city that will open no sooner than July 2022.

4th and Lomas

I found these two metal Terminal sculptures on April 23rd, at 4th and Lomas, the street corner in Albuquerque bounded by three justice buildings:

Facing the Bernalillo County 
Metropolitan Courthouse

The Secret Gallery
 in Barleas

Wemfer and ABQ Benz
painting at the Secret Gallery
for "The Human Ones" event on April 23rd

selling clothes on Friday, April 23td,
at the Secret Gallery

Masks Y Mas

"Funk" painting on April 24th
in front of Masks Y Mas
in Nob Hill, Albuquerque

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