Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Wednesday 10 March 2021

March 9, 2021

The Tuesday Night drawing group of Santa Fe drew together online using Zoom, because of the Covid 19 quarantine.

These figures were drawn with a Wacom tablet in Paint 3D.

Download all the "drawings/sculptures" -- 210309_GLB_decimated.zip (2.66 MB)

I would like to put all these figures in a VIRTUAL SCULPTURE GARDEN that one can walk through and around while wearing a VR headset (virtual reality) like the Oculus.  It looks like Blender XR is working on that (see this YouTube video).  There is an OpenXR function now in Blender as noted by this YouTube video.

In the meantime I am working on creating those virtual sculpture gardens in Blender:

All the figures animated 
using the "Mixed Reality" functions in Paint 3D
over an old drawing
(uploaded in Webp format)

Altogether again in another Blender animation
(uploaded in Webp format) 

I uploaded the virtual "Sculpture Garden" to Sketchfab, and it can be downloaded there.  The original Blender file was 205 MB. However I exported the scene from Blender as a GLB file, which was only 46 MB.  My free Sketchfab account only allows uploads up to 50 MB, so the lighter GLB file uploaded just fine.

Embedded Sketchfab "sculpture garden"
(click on image arrow above
to go directly to the 3D scene)

Incidentally, Sketchfab allows people to download my "sculpture garden" as a USDZ file (32 MB), which works with AR (augmented reality) (is that format just for Apple devices?).

Gesture drawings



Holly was drawing in the online program Dada NYC, so I drew the model in this program too.  This is a collaborative online drawing program.

Below is the embedded drawing:

Click image to go to Dada NYC

A week later Holly Grimm from Santa Fe, and Mar E from Spain, responded to my drawing:

Update:  By March 24th, seven other artists responded to my drawing:

The Dada NYC artists that responded to my drawing:

Dada NYC might be the most successful collaboration project that I've been involved with.

Previous Collaboration Efforts:

In 2011 I tried to make collaborative drawings in Texas; and this year I revisited that idea with John Tollett in Santa Fe.  I was imagining real-time collaboration, when two artists draw on the same digital "page," from the same live model, at the same time. Here are the blog posts where I tried that:

Apparently there might be a way to do this in 3D, as there are two new Blender projects that allow two artists to work on the same image at the same time:

I "textured" my drawing 3D "drawing" with Holly Grimm's Dada NYC drawing of the same pose, in Paint 3D:


Then I made the figure into a 3D shape in Monster Mash:

I downloaded the DUST 3D software, and used the Dada NYC image as a template too make a simple 3D figure.  Click the EXE file in the DUST 3D folder, the software does not need to be "installed."

 from the Dada NYC drawing

This program comes from GitHub.  I made an earlier post about art programs I found on GitHub.


I combined two of the figures in Deep Dream Generator.  I first applied the style of the first image (upper right, top) to the second figure (upper left, top).  Then I blended the results using layers in Photoshop Elements 2021 to get the large image on the bottom:

(the two top ones combined with AI 
to make the bottom figure)


I would like to litter my figures around Albuquerque using AR (Augmented Reality):

Photoshopped with my figure added


Christie's just sold a digital artwork of Beeple for $69,000,000!

I noticed that Beeple offered free VJ loops on his website, so I downloaded one and added it behind the animated figure I created in Monster Mash, to make the collaboration video below:

to create this collaboration video

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