Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Wednesday 23 December 2020

ABQ pictures in times of Covid

 All the statues in downtown Albuquerque are wearing masks in December:

Sculpture group by Glenna Goodacre

30 minute sky parking,
apparently for air vehicles

Leaning pole of Albuquerque

projecting from Studio 519
in downtown Albuquerque

Phantom poster lingering downtown,
from old show by Axle Contemporary --

Dino biting razor blade
in the window of Tamarind Institute

Across from UNM

Seen in Barelas

The Albuquerque downtown Art Walk was on December 11th, not the first Friday this month.  Turnout was the lowest of the year, or at least since the Art Walks of the Summer of Covid:

Ren Adams in front of the (B) Ruppe Gallery

Bearface live painting on Central

Trumainc Smith

4th and Central in Albuquerque,
less traffic than during most downtown Art Walks

David Kirwin exhibiting not during the Art Walk,
in downtown Albuquerque

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