Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Tuesday 10 November 2020

The Drawing Center Submission

The Drawing Center in New York City put out an open call for drawing submissions -- Viewing Program 20/21 (apply by November 30th). The main requirement is that "drawings should be central to the applicant's body of work."

UPDATE (June 2, 2021):  I believe this is the link to the drawings that were accepted -- 100 Drawings from Now.


Many of these drawings are taken from my book --"Finish My Figure Drawings."

Response to the question: How does drawing relate to your artistic practice? (200 word maximum):

I draw to collaborate.

Anyone may download the drawings from my latest self-published book -- "Finish My Figure Drawings" -- and I invite them to alter my figures as they please.  The biggest reward is when someone turns them into something I never imagined.

My drawings serve as a kind of vibrating scaffold. While the figures obey gravity, the lines and shapes are still ambiguous and open to subjective interpretation. Drawing allows me to conjure the illusion of motion, like that in the sculptures of Umberto Boccioni, which is more important than achieving a likeness. Once the figure or shapes feel like they could spin, I am disposed to hand the image off to someone else.

Since 2007 I have been dropping in on figure drawing sessions across the Southwest, and posting the last decade's work on my blog.  I could then both hire and collaborate with other artists to develop sculptures and print editions, and was pleasantly surprised by the results.  Without these digitized drawings, I would not have been able to realize anything more robust while living a semi-nomadic lifestyle.

If no one wants to collaborate, AI (artificial intelligence) will finish my drawings, and shock me with the results.


Application Instructions (November 15, 2020):

Acceptable file types (for uploading): pdf, jpg, jpeg.

Also there is a $2 application fee, PayPal or Credit Card

PDF files made online in Google Docs

I applied on November 17, 2020

Note:  The requirements have changed at least once since the call-to-artists was published


Related blog posts:

Update:  January 19, 2021

I got my rejection notice:

Dear Artists
Thank you for applying to the Viewing Program 20/21.  Unfortunately your application was not selected. Please take heart in knowing your artwork is a testament to the inspiring state of drawing now and your commitment as an artist. Keep up the good work and be well.
All the Best,

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