Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Tuesday 27 October 2020

Tucson Sculpture Festivals (2012 - 2015)

 I helped make four Tucson Sculpture Festivals happen, from 2012 -- 2015.

The Tucson Sculpture Festival was started by Danny Wolverton with the Parasol Project at the Sculpture Resource Center in 2010.  It always happened during the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show. The Anarchestra was a large part of three of the Sculpture Festivals I worked with.


At the last moment I stepped in to receive the sculptures at the 3rd Annual Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012, and wound up gallery sitting for whole two weeks of the exhibition at the Sculpture Resource Center as the Gallery Tyrant. I also blogged about the festival and produced a catalog.

(which he would also do later

Meanwhile at the same time elsewhere in Tucson, Eric Firestone put on the Boneyard Project by inviting graffiti artists to paint the airplanes.  The reception was January 28th.

Later on February 7th, the Anarchestra put on a concert using a Rubens Tube (with some help by Xerocraft).

I also put out a thin catalog, for sale on Lulu:


The next year I took the 4th Annual Tucson Sculpture Festival 2013 to the Whistle Stop Depot, and it expanded.  We had simultaneous openings at the Whistle Stop and the Sculpture Resource Center. I organized, blogged and produced this festival.  Plus I was the Gallery Tyrant.

Dan Collins, a pioneer of 3D digital sculpture and ASU professor, let us exhibit the smaller version of the sculpture below which he created in China.

Opening night on February 1st was packed and eventful (YouTube Video):

Likewise the closing event on February 15th was spectacular, with the Poi-Zen fire dancers:

During the Sculpture Festival, Guillermo Gómez-Peña hosted a workshop nearby, at the Cirque Roots space in the Solar Culture complex, on February 9th:

We had a great turnout for this event, both at the opening and closing, with brisk visitors during the two weeks in between.  Tucson just poured out in support and attendance.  As Clark Trujillo said, "It wanted to happen."

We owe a big debt to Nancy Bender, the owner of the Whistle Stop, and Carl White and Tana Kelch for pulling the festival off.

Dominic Arizona Bonuccelli took pictures and created the catalog for us, which can be seen online at ISSUU.


Tanya Rich directed the 5th Annual Tucson Sculpture Festival 2014 and I helped produce it.  We had simultaneous openings at The Art Gallery and the Sculpture Resource Center on February 1st.

Famous TUCSON mural
on the side of the Art Gallery building

Yay Sculpture Festival!

The Art Gallery was the main venue
that hosted the Tucson Sculpture Festival 2014

During the opening
we scanned people in 3D

A few days later
Metalphysic milled out a few
large 3D scans in Styrofoam

The second half of the festival
was at the Sculpture Resource Center

Dominic Arizona Bonuccelli took pictures and created the catalog for us, which can be seen online at ISSUU.


Tanya Rich directed the 6th Annual Tucson Sculpture Festival 2015 at The Art Gallery, and I helped produce it.  We had simultaneous openings at The Art Gallery and the Tucson Sculpture Festival on January 31st.

The Art Gallery was the main venue
that hosted the Tucson Sculpture Festival 
for a second time, in 2015

Tanya Rich (l) was in charge,
and pleased at most of the sculptures

Dominic Arizona Bonuccelli took pictures and created the catalog for us, which can be seen online at ISSUU.

Currently there is now the Sculpture Tucson Festival (which I have nothing to do with as I now live in Albuquerque), and I would love to attend once things get back to normal after Covid.

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