Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Friday 23 October 2020

More Random AI

I am continuing to experiment with Deep Dream Generator, mostly with figures.  Some of the images below started as gesture drawings from the Tuesday Night Santa Fe drawing group on October 20, 2020.


This AI (artificial intelligence) art has to escape from the computer screen.  I would expect people to be oil painting from AI and Photoshopped images, directly from their iPads, to make physical canvases for the galleries.

Deep Dream Generator is a powerful tool, but it transfers the style too evenly, ultimately giving the target image something of a uniform patina.  The resulting AI image rarely has certain areas that push away, or sink in to invite the viewer to walk into the scene.  It is hard to correct this even with extensive editing.

Moreover the resulting AI images often seem too sweet, overdosing on pretty colors. I try to counter this a bit by applying styles from ugly images, like the paintings of Philip Guston.  However I think ultimately one will find the right balance when he translates the image to canvas, with traditional oil painting.

Of course stealing other artists' styles is perfectly acceptable when making contemporary art, as noted in the Canadian art TV show below (which I first saw at a talk in Mexico City):

In the past that was known as being "influenced."

This week Photoshop just incorporated AI (artificial intelligence) filters into their program.  This AI technology in art is not going away.

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